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Flipped Classroom?


Ms. Roberts' classes will be flipping! What's that mean? Well, we will be attempting to use a online platform where students will watch a Lecture VIdeo (with powerpoints) at home, and then come to school prepared to do projects, assignments, and watch movies. 


This will eliminate the need to do in-class full lectures. Students will spend 15 minutes at home watching that day's lesson in preparation for next class. They can pause and take notes at their own pace. 


Where to go:      www.EdPuzzle.Com


Students have their individual log-ins and passwords.


Assignments will be posted and have a due date of when they will need to watch the video and answer questions. 


This online application shows Ms. Roberts who watched the video lessons and answered the questions. If the student has not watched the video by the due date, the student will copy notes from Ms. Roberts' powerpoints to turn in as credit. 


If you are having issues with your computer, smart phone or tablet at home, it's imperative that the student/parent email me as soon as possible to work out class time to watch videos. 

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